If you are search for Bannerlord Companion Types, simply check out our information below : Bannerlord Types Companion. you can also find the villages and resources from this list. This guide is a part of the complete Bannerlord guide covering most of the frequently asked questions for the game. Mount & Blade II: Bannerlord – Your Smithing skill, the smithy, and crafting. This lists all the available companions with their location and skills Note: You can see the companion their (main) stats if you click on them and look at the bottom left. The Pipe Dutch requests is located in a small cabin named Vetter’s Echo on the far western edge of the map. Set the path to your Bannerlord modules folder in config. Address some members using their title only, for example, Lord Sugar or Baroness Boothroyd. Took a while for a "the Swift" companion to spawn in too.

When you click on a given companion, you will see its last known location. May not be appropriate for all ages, or may not be appropriate for viewing at work.